Looking for Normal

Looking for Normal

by Karen Harmon

Looking for Normal

Looking for Normal

by Karen Harmon

It’s been said that we cannot choose our family members, but what do you do when the drama they bring becomes more than you want to deal with? You hop on the train that will take you to the land of promise, an alluring place across the mountains, called British Columbia.

Looking for Normal is an account of two people, each struggling to leave the desperate and dysfunctional circumstances of life, to establish themselves in a completely different environment and location. It is a sometimes humorous, sometimes sobering, yet always intriguing true story of family drama, and love found in the midst of heartache, addiction, and mental illness. It takes us through the Depression Era of the 1930s, on through the War and Post-War years of the 1940s and ’50s, to the Free Love of the 1960s and ’70s.

Against all odds, Vincent and Frances find each other in the land of promise, and begin the adventure of creating a new and better family experience, one filled with laughter, hope, and undying love. They find that family is not far behind, and through each new adventure of dysfunction, they create a lasting legacy of strength, hope, and love within their own children.

This is a heartwarming true story that will encourage all of us to look on the lighter side and enjoy all that life brings, to treasure our family regardless of the struggles.

Available at:

Looking for Normal by Karen Harmon on Amazon.ca
Looking for Normal by Karen Harmon available at Indigo
Looking for Normal by Karen Harmon on Amazon.com
Looking for Normal by Karen Harmon available at Barnes & Noble
Looking for Normal by Karen Harmon on for Kindle

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